Holders of the CERTIFIED PROPERTY MANAGER® designation are educated by the IREM and have the experience to preserve and enhance the value of your real estate assets. As the social and economic factors affecting all types of investments become more complicated, the need for highly trained, experienced, and professional property and asset managers become more apparent.
Those who manage real estate must understand, and be able to deal with, the diverse factors which impact investments: the state of the economy, local and national legislation, tax regulations, energy and operating costs, local market conditions, monetary policies, controls and ordinances, public policies, population changes, and consumer trends, to name a few. CPM members receive training in and have experience with each of these elements within our complex environment.
As the diversity of investors increases, the demand for well-trained, competent property and asset managers increases. IREM's members have recognized this need and have focused their attention on providing the type of management services sophisticated institutional investors require. IREM's educational programs are designed and continually upgraded to meet the needs of its members and their clients' requirements. A CPM enrolls in continuing education courses to broaden their educational background and to give them the knowledge and tools to cope with today's complex problems and issues.
Your assets may include cash, stocks, bonds, real estate and others. They should also include a CPM.